Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Pygmy Marmoset

The Pygmy Marmoset is the worlds smallest monkey, weighing only 85-140 grams or approximately four ounces on average. The word marmoset is said to be adapted from a French word meaning a grotesque image or mannequin. Marmosets usually have twins; triplets and quadruplets also occur. Newborns must be fed every two hours around the clock. Pygmy Marmoset diet is composed of about 80% exudates, and 16% insects. Pygmy Marmosets can live to be about fifteen years old. If someone is interested in keeping a pygmy marmoset they first need to get a special permit, which are difficult to get. You have to obtain a special type of permit to have these kinds of primates. Another thing you have to make sure of is that there is a special type of primate veterinarian in your area, not an exotic animal veterinarian a special type of primate specialist.

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