Sunday, October 7, 2012


List O' Top Ten Exotic Animals Kept As Pets - sloth

Sloths are a slow animal so you wouldn’t have a problem with them escaping and ransacking your closet like other exotic pets do. Sloths are affectionate and great around young children as well. Sloths do have somewhat sharp claws but they don’t use them to claw on people. In the wild, sloths eat mainly tree leaves and occasionally munch on fruits. For treats, you can give sloths lettuces, some tropical fruits, and a couple of insects. Sloths are tree dwellers so if you own one, they need a tall cage with a couple of fake trees in it. They would also need ropes and a hammock to serve as a comfortable bed. To own a sloth you need permits from your local Department of Agriculture or Bureau of Wildlife Rescue.

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